Deadlock is a situation when two or more threads are waiting on each other to be completed causing both to be locked and not able to continue.
A practical example of a deadlock is
Let’s see an example in swift.
here, the the queue is exeucting with q.async
first, inside the block it calls for q.sync
. So the outer block can only complete when the inner block q.sync
is finished, but q.sync
cannot start, because it is a sync
block unless the thread is free. This results in a deadlock and the process will crash.
import Foundation
class Resource {
private(set) var value: Int
private let q = DispatchQueue(label: "myQueue")
init(_ value: Int) {
self.value = value
// Deadlock
func set(_ value: Int) {
q.async {
self.q.sync {
self.value = value
print("sync") // outer block is waiting for this inner block to complete,
// inner block won't start before outer block finishes
// => deadlock
print("finished") // this will never be reached
let r = Resource(100)
print("final value \(r.value)")
// Output
// async
// Execution Interrupted due to deadlock