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Pattern Lock for iOS

Revamped PatternLock for iOS written in Swift3.



	pod 'SPPatternLock' ### Initialization
     Initializes the main lock screen
     - parameter frame: `CGRect` where the screen will be drawn
     - parameter size: Size of the lock screen. It will create grids of size X size. Default value is 3
     - parameter allowClosedPattern: If set to `true`, it allows for complicated pattern. Otherwise a circle can't be used twice for a pattern
     - parameter config: Configuration for colors and line width, etc
     - parameter handler: Callback to receive the user pattern
     - returns: Returns the Lock screen
    convenience init(frame: CGRect, size: Int = 3, allowClosedPattern: Bool = true, config: Config = Config(), handler: PatternHandlerBlock? = nil)


If you found this little tool useful, I’d love to hear about it. You can also follow me on Twitter at @iosCook

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