A command line application to quickly create and launch a Xcode playground.
A command line application to quickly create and launch a Xcode playground.
Hello and a happy new year to everybody. 2014 was a year of trial and errors for myself. We were finally able to incorporate LaoHan Pte Ltd officially in Singapore. we have been thinking about doing a lot of stuffs and now it’s time we actually start putting words into work. ….
Inside shell, you can’t directly run a command like this
java -jar abc.jar
to run the .jar file.
shell doesn’t recognize the java command.
you need to export the environmental variable PATH of JAVA, normally it’s done by adding this line at the top
export PATH = /home/usr/jdk_version/java/bin
then at the end of the java statement add $*
like ,
java -jar abc.jar $*
First of all, let me tell you it’s a hell job if you don’t know which gcc or cpp package it needs for disksim 3.0 to run. By default, ubuntu comes with gcc and cpp of version 4.4 as of today. If you want to remove the current version and put an older version, i warn you to think twice before doing it.. It might crash ur Ubuntu OS and might need to reinstall the whole OS all over again, like what I had to do twice.